Executive session pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation, as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares: Federal Multidistrict Litigation vs. CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Teva, and Allergan.
D) National Telecommunicators Week Declaration and Proclamation
E) National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week Declaration and Proclamation
F) Application for Constable – Applicant, Michael Baniukiewicz of Charlton, MA
G) First Congregational Church of Oxford application for an Outdoor Business Permit – Flea Market
H) Annual Town Meeting Article submitted by Planning Board Regarding Flood Plain District By-Law
I) Zain Place, 580 I) Main Street, 40B Presentation and Determination on Submission to DHCD
Presented by Ansari Builders
K) Massachusetts School Building Authority – Clara Barton School and Alfred M. Chaffee School Statement of Interest Vote
L) Hannah Harwood Fund Scholarship Award Vote
J) Continued Public Hearing– S & K Development, LLC v. Town of Oxford Board of Selectmen, et al;
Worcester Superior Court C.A. No. 2185CV01314 to Reconsider a Special Permit for Earth Removal at 19 Oxbow Road (Assessor's Map 09, Parcel A-21) on remand from Worcester Superior Court
M) Approval of Minutes
March 15, 2023 and March 21, 2023
N) Town Manager's Report
Containing Departmental Updates, Grant Announcements, Community Announcements, Reminders, Public Health Updates, and Appointment Updates - No Votes Will Be Taken