Variance application of Aaron Wendt for a rear setback variance and side setback variance pursuant to Chapter X, Table IV of the Oxford Zoning Bylaws. The petitioner is seeking both variances to allow for an installation of a solar array. The proposed array will be 9' 7" from the side setback. The minimum side setback is 15'. The proposed array will also have a rear setback of 10' 8". The minimum rear setback is 20'. The proposed project is located at 3 Bacon Street, Oxford, MA. The property is in the R-3 Zoning District.
Special permit application for the alteration of a pre-existing, nonconformity, in accordance with Oxford Zoning Bylaw Section (a) - (e ), relative to the signage on the property located at the southwest comer of Main Street and Fairlawn A venue (235 Main Street and 5 Fairlawn A venue). Variance application, under the authority of Chapter XIV, Section 3.3.3 of the Oxford Zoning Bylaw, from the literal enforcement of Chapter XII, Section 5.1.3 relative to the freestanding sign located on the property at the southwest comer of Main Street and Fairlawn Avenue (235 Main Street and 5 Fairlawn Avenue).
Petition of 722 Main Street, LLC requesting a comprehensive Permit per MGL Chapter 40B, to allows for the development of 144 units of rental housing of which 36 units (25%) will be affordable. The development will include three (3) 4-story buildings consisting of 15: I-bedroom units, 114: 2-bedroom units, and 15: 3-bredroom units, along with parking, access roads, amenities and all supporting site features and infrastructu!e required to support the proposes development. The applicant is also requesting waivers from the Town of Oxford Zoning By-Law and from by-laws and rules and regulations ofregulatory Town Boards and Departments. The property in question is located at 722 Main Street located in the General Business (GB) and R-2 Residential Zoning Districts. This item is continued from the meeting of February 16, 2023.