December 12, 2022, January 9, 2023, and January 23, 2023
October 24, 2022, November 28, 2022, and January 9, 2023.
Special Permit and Site Plan Review & Approval - applications submitted by Boulder Park Realty LLC (applicant/owner) to allow for the construction of a selfstorage facility with associated parking and site work on property located at 16-18 Boulder Park Way located in the Industrial (I) Zoning District.
Special Permit - application submitted by Rocco Realty Trust (applicant/owner) to allow for the regulations of the smaller Village Business (VB) Zoning District to govern the entire lot, currently in the General Business (GB) Zoning District, on property located at 9 Sutton Avenue
(a) meeting schedule and upcoming agenda items; (b) general information on other topics such as the implementation of the Town Master Plan and other related planning documents, updates on potential amendments to the Zoning By-Law or Subdivision Rules and Regulations to be discussed at future meetings; (c) and general correspondence.