Planning Board Meeting January 23rd, 2023

Show Details

1/23/2023 9:08:44 AM


Approval of Minutes 00:01:51

November 28, 2022

Planning Director Report 00:02:55

meeting schedule, location, and upcoming agenda items; (b) time-sensitive matters, if any, such as invitations to conferences/workshops; ( c) if required, general information on other topics such as implementation of the Town Master Plan and other related planning documents, updates on potential amendments to the Zoning By-Law or Subdivision Rules and Regulations to be discussed at future meetings; and ( d) general correspondence.

Public Hearing: 110 Dana Road 00:04:15

Application for Special Permit - Applicant & Owner: Garry Bates - alteration of a stone wall within the limits of the road and right of way for the construction of a driveway-Action Date: April 23, 2023

Continued Public Hearing: 46, 48 & 50 Harwood Street 00:10:01

Applications for Special Permit and Land Disturbance Permit - Applicant & Owner: DJ Enterprises, Inc. - Common Driveway to Serve 3 Lots -Action Date: January 31, 2023

Adjournment 00:26:00

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