Planning Board Meeting January 9th, 2023

Show Details

1/9/2023 11:08:57 AM


Continued Public Hearing: 46, 48 & 50 Harwood Street 00:01:44

Applications for Special Pennit and Land Disturbance Permit - Applicant & Owner: DJ Enterprises, Inc. - Common Driveway to Serve 3 Lots -Action Date: January 31, 2023

161 Charlton Street 00:06:07

Acceptance of Stormwater Management As-Built Plan and recommendation to the Building Commissioner for Occupancy Permit - Applicant: Robert Johnson - construction of single-family dwelling with driveway, site work, and associated drainage and stormwater management

Cathy Way Subdivision 00:08:46

Release of Lots 1, 2 & 3 as depicted on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Cathys Way," recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 915, Plan 5, with provision of surety under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81U, in the form of a performance bond to ensure completion of the construction of the ways and installation of municipal services.

Applications for Special Permit and Site Plan Review & Approval - 18 Boulder Park Way 00:18:45

Applicant & Owner: Boulder Park Realty, LLC - construction of a self-storage facility with asphalt drive aisles containing approximately 3600 square feet of single-story storage buildings, 800 square foot office, parking, and associated site improvements

Application for Special Permit - 9 Sutton Ave 00:23:33

Applicant & Owner: Rocco Realty Trust - special permit for smaller Village Business (VB) Zoning District to apply to the entire lot for the purpose of converting existing first floor commercial space to residential space.

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