Special Town Meeting October 5th, 2022

Show Details

10/5/2022 12:00:00 AM


Article 1 00:09:50

To hear the reports of any Town Officers or Committees.

Article 2 00:17:01

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to pay unpaid bills of a prior fiscal year; or act thereon.

Article 3 00:18:06

To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to meet the State's share of the cost for Town roadway maintenance and repair, such amount to be reimbursed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as State Highway Aid (Fiscal Year 2023 Chapter 90 Apportionment); or act thereon.

Article 4 00:23:38

To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53E 1/2 to establish the Fiscal Year 2023 spending limits for the following revolving funds established in the Oxford General By-Laws CHAPTER SEVENTY-THREE, Revolving Funds, as follows or act thereon.

Article 5 00:24:34

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Compensated Absence Fund; or act thereon.

Article 6 00:29:40

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Stabilization Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023; or act thereon.

Article 7 00:30:42

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023; or act thereon.

Article 8 00:43:54

To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of conducting a full statistical revaluation to meet the constitutional and statutory requirement that assessments are at full and fair cash valuation at least as often as every fifth year, any vote under this article to take effect upon adoption; or act thereon.

Article 9 00:45:01

To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money from the Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Fund and appropriate said amount to the Fire/EMS Fiscal Year 2022 Operational Budget; any vote under this article to take effect forthwith upon its adoption; or act thereon.

Article 10 00:45:55

To determine what sums of money the Town will raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate to defray charges and expenses of the Town, including debt and interest, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 (Fiscal Year 2023); or act thereon.

Article 11 01:15:30

To determine what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate from the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund, established by a vote of the 2020 Annual Town Meeting, Article 13, as authorized by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53F 3/4, as amended, to fund PEG access programming, as well as certain other municipal cable related expenses for Fiscal Year 2023; or act thereon.

Article 12 01:17:01

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds or borrow and authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to issue a note or notes and/or bond or bonds and appropriate a sum of money for the Capital Outlay Program for Fiscal Year 2023, including any incidental and related expenses; or act thereon.

Article 13 01:18:56

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court for special legislation providing the positions of Patrolman, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Chief after passage of the Act, not be subject to the Civil Service statute, as set forth below; provided, however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, unless the Board of Selectmen approves amendments to the bill before enactment by the General Court which are within the scope of the general public objectives of the petition, and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to approve such amendments; or act thereon

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