Application for Special Permit - Applicant: Cumberland Farms, Inc. - Owner: VSH Realty, Inc. and 233 Main Street, LLC - Map 33E, Parcels PO 1 & Pl 4 -Village Business Zoning District - Special Permit to allow the extension of a preexisting non-conforming use to allow for the redevelopment and combination of two parcels ofland for a Cumberland Farms gas station and convenience store -Action Date: January 4, 2023
Application for Variances - Applicant: Cumberland Farms, Inc. - Owner: VSH Realty, Inc. and 233 Main Street, LLC-Map 33E, Parcels POI & P14 - Village Business Zoning District - Variances for signs in the VB Zoning District per Chapter XII, Signs, parking within the front yard setback and reduction of front setback landscaped area per Chapter XI, Motor Vehicle Access-Action Date: November 30, 2022