The applicant and owner is Hanley Tully Family Trust 2016 and James Foskett. The ·purpose of the- ANR is to add an additional area of land to the property located at 60 Mount Pleasant Street as identified on Assessor's Map 51, Parcel B 11. The property is in the R-1 Rural Residential Zoning District.
Applications for Special Permit, Site Plan Review and Approval, Stormwater Management Permit, and Land Disturbance Permit - Applicant: ZP Battery DevCo LLC - Owner: Mark Hattabaugh - construction of 8MW AC Energy Storage System -Action Date: November 20, 2022
Chapter Ill, Section 3.9, Apartments - The proposed amendment would allow for the construction of additional living space as an in-law apartment without requiring a Special Permit from the Planning Board provided that the new space is contained within an existing owner-occupied single-family house.
the proposed amendment would extend the Village Business (VB) Zoning District from the corner of Main Street and Sutton Avenue to Interstate 395 spanning along both sides of Sutton Avenue at a measurement of 50 feet from the property boundaries directly abutting Sutton A venue.
The applicant is Cumberland Farms, Inc. The property owner is 233 Main Street, LLC, V.S.H. Realty, Inc., a/k/a Cumberland Farms, Inc. The applicant is seeking to combine two parcels of land: 235 Main Street and 5 Fairlawn Avenue. The applicant proposes to raze all structures and redevelop both parcels as one development site with new gasoline pumps, a convenience store, parking, and associated site amenities. The property is located within the Village Business Zoning District as identified on Assessor's Map 33E, Parcel POI and Parcel P14.
(A) meeting schedule, location and upcoming agenda items; (b) time-sensitive matters, if any, such as invitations to conferences/workshops; (c) if required, general information on other topics such as implementation of the Town Master Plan and other related planning documents, updates on potential amendments to the Zoning By-Law or Subdivision Rules and Regulations to be discussed at future meetings; and ( d) general correspondence.