Public Hearing Continuation for a Notice of lntent filed by Nova Group, LLC, in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Oxford General By-Law Chapter 66 to construct a portion of a commercial parking lot and stormwater basin in the 100-foot buffer zone to a bordering vegetated wetland and associated site work located at 124 Leicester St., N. Oxford, MA.
Public Hearing Continuation for a Notice of lntent filed by Eastland Partners, Inc., in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Oxford General By-Law Chapter 66 to construct a multi-phase 320 duplex-style townhouse community with associated earthwork, roadways, utilities, landscaping, and stormwater management facilities located at O Ashworth Drive & 191 Southbridge Road., N. Oxford, MA. Map 3 & 6, Parcel A05 &AO1.
Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent filed by 2022 Michael P. Fitzgerald Real Estate Trust, in accordance with MOL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act to construct a single-family home, driveway, septic system and associated site work at 9 Howarth Rd., Oxford, MA.