1. November 18, 2024 - Regular (VOTE)
1. Oxford Education Association - update 2. Athletic Department - update
Warrant Report of Authorized Signer (Proctor/Burke)
Comments are limited to topics relating to the School Committee’s areas of responsibility. Speakers must identify themselves by name and address, and will be allowed to speak for up to three (3) minutes. Although the School Committee may hear comments on unanticipated topics, discussion or action on topics not specifically listed on the agenda will be postponed until a future meeting date.
1. Central Mass. Collaborative - FY24 Audited Financial Statements and Letter to the Board of Directors 2. Open Meeting Law Complaint and Response 3. Follow-Up to Meeting with Town Manager
1. Personnel Report 2. Miscellaneous (may include district/community announcements, reminders, or updates - No Action Needed)
1. Out-of-State Field Trip (NY-NJROTC) (VOTE) 2. Draft 2025-2026 School Calendar (VOTE) 3. Acceptance of Donation from JAK-L Foundation (VOTE)
1. Policy (next meeting is: 12/19/2024) a. First Reading: EBAB, FA, FCB, FFA, JQ 2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (next meeting is: 1/9/2025) 3. Negotiations (no meetings scheduled) 4. School Buildings & Grounds (no meetings scheduled) 5. District Accountability & Curriculum (no meetings scheduled)