Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting October 17th, 2024

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10/17/2024 12:00:00 AM


Call Meeting to Order 00:00:02

Approval of Meeting Minutes: September 19, 2024 00:00:31

Public Hearings 00:05:53

61 Rocky Hill Rd -Hear the variance application of James West for side yard setback variance pursuant to Chapter X, Table III of the Oxford Zoning Bylaws. The petitioner is seeking a side yard variance from 15 feet to 4 feet to allow for the construction of a 728 sq/ft garage. The proposed project is located at 61 Rocky Hill Road, Oxford, MA. The property is in the R-3 Zoning District. The property record information is as follows: James West (Owner); Assessor's Map 29A, Parcel A0l.01; with a deed recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds, Book 61362, Page 260. Continued from September 19th.

Public Hearings 00:12:36

82 Walnut Street -Hear the variance application of Brian Plouffe (owner) to vary the side yard setback from 15 feet to 9 feet to allow for the construction of a two car garage with second story accessory apartment. The proposed project is on property located at 82 Walnut Street in the R3 Zoning District owned by the applicant by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds Book 69836, Page 275, and shown on Assessors Map 33D, Parcel H18.

Adjournment 00:36:27

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