September 9th, 2024
Parcel of land located 22/24 Hammond Street- Estate of Earlene M. Smith, owner; Located at Map 23A; Lots D33 and D34.
Special Permit application submitted by Scott Holcomb (owner) to allow for the conversion of a two-family dwelling into a three-family dwelling with associated parking and septic system. The proposed project is on property located at 7 Pine Street, Oxford, MA in the Housing Opportunity Overlay (HOO) and R-3 Zoning District, shown on Assessors Map 33C, Parcel C28. The Board will review the submission and may vote to schedule a public hearing.
Continued from 9/16/2024. Public Hearing on amending the Chapter XVIII Earth Removal, of the Town of Oxford Zoning Bylaw, to replace said Chapter in its entirety with new language.
Land Disturbance Administrative Approval. 1 Brown Road, for the construction of a single family home with associated driveway, septic, and well. Keely Hartley, owner Land Disturbance Administrative Approval. 27 Lovett Road, for the construction of a single family home with associated driveway, septic, and well. Keely Hartley, owner