Variance request by Bartlomiej Czubaj for a variance pursuant to Chapter X, Table IV of the Oxford Zoning Bylaws. The petitioner is seeking a variance to reduce the required frontage from 125 feet to 94 feet. The proposed project is located at 20 Old Cudworth Road, Oxford, MA. The property is located in the R-3 Zoning District. The record information is as follows: Bartlomiej Czubaj (owner); Assessor's Map 56A; Parcel C04; with a deed recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds Book 65325; Page 121. The Zoning Board of Appeals will review the application materials and will schedule a public hearing if complete. Continued from May 16th.
hear the variance application of Scott Carr for a variance pursuant to Chapter XVI, Section 2.0 Definition of Accessory Use or Structure of the Oxford Zoning Bylaws. The petitioner is seeking the variance to allow for the construction of a 2400 sq/ft barn. The proposed project is located at 15 Brown Road, Oxford, MA. The property is in the R-2 Zoning District. The record information is as follows: Brown Road Realty Trust; Scott Carr, Trustee (Owner); Assessor's Map 28, Parcel A18; with a deed recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds, Book 63331, Page 296.
hear the variance application of Jamie Vincequere for side yard setback variance pursuant to Chapter X, Table III of the Oxford Zoning Bylaws. The petitioner is seeking a side yard variance from 20 feet to 3 feet to allow for the construction of a 792 sq/ft garage. The proposed project is located at 6 Misty Meadow Lane, Oxford, MA. The property is in the R-2 Zoning District. The record information is as follows: Jamie Vincequere (Owner); Assessor's Map 48, Parcel C04; with a deed recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds, Book 44653, Page 243.
Discussion on editing the Zoning Board of Appeals Rules and Regulations, fee schedule, and application forms.