Chair Kerrie singer will provide an update regarding health director Rike Sterrett's absence while on maternity leave.
Camille Griffin, Webster's Board of Health Director who is assisting during Rike Sterrett's absence, has requested that the Board vote and sign for the Inter-Municipal Agreement renewal.
Shawn Trainor, owner of 1 Brown Road and 27 Lovett Road, is requesting extensions to the soil testing that occurred in 2018 on both properties.
Engineer Steven Skowyra is requesting two local upgrades for the proposed septic installation at 20 Ballard Street LUA: Reduction in separation between SAS and groundwater; 4ft required, 2ft provided. LUA: Use of a sieve analysis as a substitute for a perc test.
Jason Guskey from Victorian Ink has requested to speak to the Board regarding the process of application approvals and town requirements.
Grace Peladeau, Public Health Nurse, has provided updates to the Board regarding what she has done since starting her position with the town.