Line VI 74 Asset Condition Refurbishment Project for DEP# 255-835
Public Hearing Continuation for Notice oflntent filed by The COR Group LLC, 15 Camden Drive, Auburn, MA in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act for construction of a single-family home, septic system, and associated site work within the 100-foot buffer zone at 12 History Drive, Oxford, MA.
Public Hearing Continuation for Notice of Intent filed by BRAC Realty, LLC, 100 Central Park #123, Holden, MA in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act for construction of a 40'xl 14' light industrial building with parking, driveway access and associated site work at Lot U Industrial Park East, Oxford, MA., Assessors Map 56, Parcel C15.12.
Public Hearing Continuation for Notice of Intent filed by Dorothy Page, 435 Boston Rd., Sutton, MA in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act for a driveway crossing of a bordering vegetated wetland for access to a single-family house lot at 5 Walters Dr., Oxford, MA.