April 22, 2024
Special Permit application submitted by Pamela Lewis (owner} to allow for a change of use from commercial to residential. The proposed project is on property located at 241 Main Street in the VB Zoning District owned by the applicant by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds Book 44887, Page 112, and shown on Assessors Map 33E, Parcel El0. The Planning Board will review the submission and may make a motion to schedule a public hearing.
Site Plan Review application submitted by Oxford Transfer Station, LLC (owner) for the construction of a gravel wetland within the area of the existing detention basin on site. The proposed project is on property located at 200 Leicester Street in the Industrial Zoning District; owned by the applicant by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds Book 37190, Page 5, and shown on Assessors map 2, Parcel D0l. The Planning Board will review the submission and may make a motion to schedule a public hearing.
Special Permit application submitted by Brian Plouffe (owner) to allow for the construction of an accessory apartment. The proposed project is on property located at 82 Walnut Street in the R3 Zoning District owned by the applicant by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds Book 69836, Page 275, and shown on Assessors Map 33D, Parcel H18
Continued from April 22. 2024. Site Plan Review application submitted by Brae Realty, LLC (owner) to allow for the construction of a 4560 sq/ft building with associated parking, septic system, and storm drainage. The proposed project is on property located at 0 Industrial Park East, Oxford, MA in the Industrial (I) Zoning District, shown on Assessors Map 56, Parcel ClS-12.
Continued from April 22. 2024. Site Plan Review and Special Permit applications submitted by Bernard Gauthier (owner) to allow for the construction of a self-storage facility and to utilize the GB zoning district as the primary zoning for the entire parcel. The proposed project is on property located at 520 Main Street, Oxford, MA in the GB/R-2 Zoning Districts, shown on Assessors Map 24, Parcel CO2.
Continued from April 22. 2024. Site Plan Review application submitted by Boulder Park Realty LLC to allow for the construction of a contractor office and storage space with associated parking and site work on property located at 16 Boulder Park Way, North Oxford, MA in the Industrial {I) Zoning District owned by the applicant by deeds recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 58056, Page 362, and shown on Assessors Map 09, Parcel A06.
Schedule the next Planning Board Subcommittee meeting; Rules and Regulations discussion. Project updates.