1. Oxford Middle School - History Club and Art Club Presentations - Middle School Students 2. Food Service Department - update/ Jodi Lachance, Food Service Director 3. Technology Department - update/ Kadion Phillips, Technology Director
Comments are limited to topics relating to the School Committee's areas of responsibillty. Speakers must identify themselves by name and address, and will be allowed to speak for up to three (3) minutes. Although the School Committee may hear comments on unanticipated topics, discussion or action on topics not specifically listed on the agenda will be postponed until a future meeting date.
1. Meeting Minutes a. April 1, 2024 - Regular
1. Business Office a. FY23 Audit Reports 2. Superintendent of Schools a. Personnel Report b. FY25 Budget - update c. Miscellaneous (may include district/community announcements, reminders, or updates - No Action Needed)
1. Subcommittee Reports a. Policy (next meeting is: 5/16/2024) i. First Reading: BA, BG, BHE, BEDB, BEDB-E, BEDDA, BEDG, EA, IHB, IHBA, IHBAA, IHBF, IHBG, IHGB-A, IJJ, JB, JFBA, JRA, KA, KBA, KBBA, KDB, LDA-E {VOTES) b. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (next meeting is: 5/14/2024} c. Negotiations (next meeting is: 5/22/2024} d. School Buildings & Grounds (no meetings scheduled) e. District Accountability & Curriculum (next meeting is: 6/10/2024} 2. Warrant Report of Authorized Signer (Proctor/Burke) 3. Members Forum