Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting January 18th, 2024

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1/18/2024 12:00:00 AM


Call Meeting to Order 00:00:07

Public Hearings 00:01:06

17 Sutton A venue - hear the petition of Poyant Signs requesting a Special Permit per Oxford Zoning Bylaw Chapter XII Section 5.5, to install a digital menu board. The property in question is located at 17 Sutton Avenue, Oxford, MA as shown on Assessor's Map 35A, Parcel COi in the General Business Zoning District.

Public Hearings 00:16:14

580 Main Street - hear the petition of Ansari Builders requesting a Comprehensive Permit per MGL Chapter 40B, to allow for the development of 42 units of rental housing of which not less than 11 will be affordable. The development will include one 4-story buildings consisting of 3 studio units, 19 1- bedroom units, 15 2-bedroom units, and 5 3-bedroom units, along with parking, access road, amenities and all supporting site features and infrastructure required to support the proposed development. The applicant is also requesting waivers from the Town of Oxford Zoning By-Law and from by-laws and rules and regulations of regulatory Town Boards and Departments. The property in question is located at 580 Main Street, Oxford, MA, as shown on Assessor's Map 17, Parcel B07 in the General Business (GB) and R-2 Residential Zoning Districts.

Adjournment 01:21:54

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