18 Ronda Rheault Drive Parcel of land located at 18 Ronda Rheault Drive- John Wright, owner/applicant; Located at Map 52; Lots A07.33, A07.34, and A09. 14 Old Cudworth Road Parcel of land located at 14 Old Cudworth Road -Linda Guerin and Thurman Chipman, owners/applicants; Located at Map 56A; Lot COL 0 Dana Road Parcel of land located at O Dana Road, between 99 and 111 Dana Road- Allen and David Joslin, owners/applicants; Located at Map 24; Lot 837. 2 Waite Street Parcel of land located at 2 Waite Street- Joyce M. O'Keefe Trustee of O'Keefe Realty Trust, owner/applicant; Located at Map 29C; Lot 808.
November 27, 2023
Special Permit application submitted by Mary Tolic (applicant/owner) to allow for the conversion of an existing second story into an accessory apartment. The proposed project is on property located at 340 Main Street, Oxford, MA in the Village Business (VB) Zoning District owned by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 60097, Page 67, and shown on Assessors Map 34C, Parcel D02.
Special Permit and Site Plan Review, submitted by Paper City Industries, LLC (applicant) to allow the applicant to change ownership of their existing business located at 125 Southbridge Road, North Oxford, MA; in the Marijuana Overlay (MOD) Zoning District and General Business (GB) Zoning District owned by R & B Realty Trust by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 34815, Page 50; and as shown on Assessor's Map 09, Parcel A04. Continued from November 27, 2023.
Review of subcommittee meeting held November 29, 2023; Discussion on next steps for Zoning Bylaw and Subdivision Regulations review at the subcommittee meeting to be Held December 20, 2023.